From Patent Index, LLC:
Patents assigned to 3 SouthWest Florida CBSAs (Punta Gorda, CapeCoral-FtMyers & Naples-Marco)

As of: 12/17/2024

2 patent(s) in this week's alert:

Assignee Summary:
1 Moshun
1 Unassigned
NOTE: sum of patent counts may exceed stated patent count for the week as some patents may be assigned to more than one entity.

Patent Class Summary:
PatentsClass Code

Patent Count History Chart:

Details on individual patents:

#12168167 Golf club head cover device
Applied:  01/11/2023, #18/095888
Issued:  12/17/2024, [706 days App to Issue] Normal range: (413 to 1391)
Pat Class:  A63B [APPARATUS FOR PHYSICAL TRAINING, GYMNASTICS, SWIMMING, ...]; there are 22519 other patents in this class since 2005.
Claims:  18; Normal range for this patent class is (6 to 24)
Assignee:  Unassigned
Counsel:  Firm: ICE MILLER LLP
1st Invent:  Kenneth W. Rittmann (Naples, FL)
Inventors:  Genders: F=0, M=1
2000 char max
A tubular golf club head cover device, with at least one open end for insertion and extraction of a golf club head. A notch and semi-rigid flap exist on one end of the tubular shape that allow for insertion of the golf club head and the self-latching of the club into the golf club head cover device.

#12169013 Shear thickening fluid based object movement control method and mechanism
Applied:  09/30/2023, #18/375463
Issued:  12/17/2024, [444 days App to Issue] Unusually Fast Normal range: (650 to 1728)
Pat Class:  F16F [SPRINGS; SHOCK-ABSORBERS; MEANS FOR DAMPING VIBRATION...]; there are 4529 other patents in this class since 2005.
Claims:  14; Normal range for this patent class is (6 to 20)
Assignee:  Moshun (Oak Brook, IL) with total patents of: 16 (since 2005)
Counsel:  Atty: Gary W. Grube
1st Invent:  Evan Anderson (Naples, FL)
Inventors:  Genders: F=0, M=16
2000 char max
A head unit system for controlling motion of an object includes a secondary object sensor, shear thickening fluid (STF), and a chamber configured to contain a portion of the STF. The chamber further includes a front channel and a back channel. The head unit system further includes a piston housed at least partially radially within the piston compartment and separating the back channel and the front channel. The piston includes a first piston bypass and a second piston bypasses to control flow of the STF between opposite sides of the piston. The chamber further includes a set of fluid manipulation emitters to control the flow of the STF to cause selection of one of a variety of shear rates for the STF within the chamber.